Hope, Strength, and Healing for families coping with a child cancer diagnosis

Keaton’s Kiddos

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Gianna

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo, Gianna, a smart and beautiful 7-year-old who enjoys arts, music, and playing outside. In March of 2022, when Gianna was just four years old, her family received the devastating news that she was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), a form of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, leading to the rapid production of immature white blood cells. For a young child like Gianna, the diagnosis was a harrowing journey that would test her resilience and the strength of her family.

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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo ~ Lea

Meet Keaton's Kiddo Lea; A sweet and loving 4-year-old who enjoys playing outdoors, painting, coloring, playing with her siblings, and so much more! Lea’s life-changing journey began Monday, November 30,
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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo ~ Grace

Meet Grace, a sweet 7-year-old girl who loves horses and princesses. In May of 2018, at just 4 years old, Grace's life took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed
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Meet Keaton Kiddo ~ Pedro

Meet 14- year-old Keaton Kiddo Pedro, who has interests in soccer and listening to rap music. This past August, Pedro was diagnosed with Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma, a brain tumor that
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Meet Keaton Kiddo ~ Camila

Although Mom shared there have been several difficult moments, positivity and optimism are what keep her going. She has been there for Camila every step of the way and encourages
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Meet Keaton Kiddo ~ Emilio

Meet Keaton Kiddo, Emilio! Emilio is a strong, six-year-old who loves going for walks, riding his brother's bike and collecting Jurassic World dinosaurs. Emilio was recently diagnosed with Severe Aplastic
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Meet Keaton Kiddo ~ Jayvon

Meet 16-year-old Keaton Kiddo Jayvon, who also likes to be called Jay Money! Aside from his super cool nickname, there is so much more to Jayvon's spirited personality. He finds
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