Sweet Santiago is a 2-year-old who loves being outside and playing.
Santiago was diagnosed with a Wilms Tumor about 8 months ago. Wilms tumor is a rare kidney cancer that primarily affects children. Also known as nephroblastoma, it is the most common cancer of the kidneys in children. This diagnosis did not stop Santiago from being resilient!
As shared by Santiago’s Mother:
“Santi was a healthy, happy, adventurous, and strong baby. He loved outside time with his friends and had an active social life with his little playground buddies. Santi used to go to playgrounds every day and adventurous places like Kidtopia and Fairyland. On Friday July 8th we came back from a little family vacation at Universal Studios and on Monday July 11, Santi began experiencing some abnormal symptoms.
So, we called the hospital and his pediatrician, and she asked me to take him in. They ordered several blood tests and an ultrasound. Some of the blood test results came back a little high but nothing to be concerned about, however on July 13th we took him to do the ultrasound and they discovered the tumor. We started the process of talking to all doctors about the procedures and treatments. They did the surgery, and we started the chemotherapy and radiation treatment right away. That is when the social worker introduced us to Keaton’s, and it has been a blessing ever since.
The only thing you want to focus on in moments like these is your child. Keaton’s supported us from the very beginning so we could focus on Santi. We are truly blessed to be introduced to Keaton’s and incredibly grateful for all the help. Keaton’s sent us financial support that we used to pay one of our bills and Santiago received a Hope Chest with toys and a blanket with his name on it. We are glad that this organization exists for people like us going through these hard moments.

Santi had his last Chemo on January 31st and is now waiting for his CT scan and surgery. God has never left us alone and we are going through the process with faith and the conviction that Santi will keep being the healthy, happy, adventurous and strong boy he has been. God kept him strong and happy during his treatment and we are very grateful and feel very blessed. Harder moments have taught us to value all what we have and live in a way that we offer hope and support to others. Thank you, Keaton’s, for all your support. Our family will always be grateful to you.”
Keaton’s is so happy and honored to have been able to be part of Santiago’s journey when he and his family most needed our support. We will continue to be part of their journey and look forward to his milestones!