Life is normal until one day the unimaginable happens – YOU hear the words, “YOUR child has cancer”. These four words evoke overwhelming stress, anger, anxiety, guilt, sadness, and depression while attempting to navigate a formerly unknown world of treatments, medications, and procedures. You embark on the journey with a strong will to never give up while fighting every, single day to save your child’s life. “I began grieving the day my daughter was diagnosed. From that moment, I knew that her life was forever changed. My hopes and dreams for her would also dramatically change,” Cherri, mother of Teen Cancer Warrior and Angel – Lauren. Cancer affects a family’s life throughout treatment, into survivorship, and for some, is the cause of grieving hearts for those remembering their precious child.

Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance – Mission in Motion Fall 2024
In this Edition of Keaton’s Mission in Motion:
See how together we fight to ensure that no child or family navigates this journey alone • Meet our childhood cancer awareness ambassadors
• Discover ways to continue to #GlowGold to support child cancer warriors and their families throughout the year • See our mission in motion as we work together to Strike Out Kids’ Cancers! • Join Keaton’s in the launch of our Warrior Store, with funds supporting our Family Navigator Programs