Little one-year-old Dallas enjoys playing ball, being a Dallas Cowboys fan, and watching Mickey Mouse and Sonic.
In October 2022, his life changed when he was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma, a cancer that spreads to distant parts of the body such as distant lymph nodes, bones, liver, skin, bone marrow, or other organs. Since receiving this diagnosis, Dallas’s family had to quickly adapt to the challenges that many families face with a childhood cancer diagnosis.
Dallas family members have all played a part in supporting Dallas through his cancer journey. Commuting two hours, round trip, to take Dallas in for his treatments. Family members taking on new responsibilities that help ease some of the stress. Despite the many challenges they have encountered, his parents’ unconditional love for him and their family have been the pillars that keep this family above water. Dallas’ 17-year-old brother, Jayden, has been the biggest support along with his little two-year-old sister Riley. Riley and Dallas are close in age and are inseparable, but Riley is also doing her part by learning how to be careful with Dallas’ central line.
Recently, Dallas’ family received good news about his surgery. Doctors were able to get all of his main tumor out with no complications to his kidney! The teams at Keaton’s could not be prouder of Dallas and his resiliency through barriers he must overcome. It is an honor to support our Superhero Dallas and his amazing family.