From a Stage IV Diagnosis to an Inspiring Young Cancer Survivor

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and as KRM aims to spread awareness and advocacy for all children and families battling this deadly disease, we want to share an inspirational story of survivorship by one local El Dorado Hills family.

One remarkable family has been part of KRM for the past 17 years. Scott was only 3 years old when he was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma and KRM walked alongside the family and helped them on their journey during his treatment at Kaiser UCSF. When Scott was 4 years old and almost done with treatment, his family was presented with more devastating news. 

Scott’s older sister, Candace, was diagnosed with an astrocytoma tumor in her spinal cord. The family was back in the hospital for her treatment without much time to catch their breath or rejoice about making it through Scott’s treatment. At the end of this year, Scott will be celebrating his 22nd birthday!! Candace is now 28 years old, was accepted to college and received her degree and is now happy to be to be part of California’s work force.

“We are strong, faithful and grateful for all the work KRM does for every family. We love to support this organization that really understands all the aspects of children’s cancer and are making a difference in the smallest and purest of hearts.” – The Lynch Family

Our goal is to make sure that every child lives a happy and healthy life. Visit to find out 6 ways you can help and “Go Gold’ this September for children battling cancer. Advocate, purchase gas cards and drop off at local SUPERCUTS locations, make an online donation, share KRM Facebook posts or create your own unique way to “Go Gold” and post about it! In the U.S. more children die of childhood cancer than any other disease. Every dollar you can donate and every person that you share our mission with makes a difference! Join the fight, because kids can’t fight alone.

Scott – 4 years old                                      Scott (center) and Candace (left) today

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

This September, we unite for one purpose: to bring hope, strength, and healing to children battling cancer and their families. Every 3 minutes, a family’s life is turned upside down when they hear the four devastating words, “Your child has cancer.” At Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance, we believe that every child deserves a fighting chance – and you can help make that a reality.

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September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Join the Keaton’s Family as we focus on the realities of childhood cancer, highlight stories of local families, and advocate for more pediatric cancer research, all while giving HOPE, STRENGTH, and HEALING to our families.

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