Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Pedro

Facing the reality of three brain surgeries and years of chemotherapy, Keaton’s Teen Alliance Warrior, Pedro, embarked on a tumultuous journey that transformed him in ways he never anticipated.  

In the summer of 2021, Pedro’s life took an unexpected and challenging turn. At just 14 years old, he was diagnosed with a juvenile brain tumor, known as pilocytic astrocytoma”, a type of brain tumor that can occur in any area where astrocytes are present. While the tumor itself was benign, its size and location necessitated a rigorous regimen of surgical and chemical treatments. For a teenager with dreams of excelling as a star student athlete, this diagnosis felt like a devastating blow. For a moment, Pedro’s future seemed to spiral into chaos, and his high school aspirations were overshadowed by a harsh new reality. 

The impact of a serious illness, like childhood cancer, on a young person’s life is profound and often underestimated. For many, like Pedro, it meant losing a portion of what should be carefree childhood years—time spent pursuing passions, enjoying school activities, and building dreams. Instead, the focus shifts to hospital visits, treatment regimens, and adapting to a new normal. The isolation and disruption can be overwhelming, and it’s an experience that many people outside of the situation may not fully understand.  

The experience, while incredibly challenging, reshaped his perspective on life and fueled a new found determination. He emerged from this ordeal, not just as a survivor, but as someone driven to make a difference for others navigating similar hardships. 

“Many people don’t know what it is like for a kid to lose part of their childhood because of something they cannot control, and I hope my story can help families realize they are not alone in the battle against cancer.” ~ KTA Warrior, Pedro 

Through the experiences of his own journey, Pedro’s realized the importance of support for child cancer warriors as they navigate these challenging times and understands firsthand how crucial it is to have someone who can relate to your experiences offering encouragement and practical help. Because of this, Pedro recently launched a tutoring program for child cancer warriors, and their siblings, called ‘Your Homework Buddy’ to provide educational support for other kids touched by cancer. Dedicated to providing personalized tutoring for kids affected by cancer, whether directly or indirectly, Pedro’s goal is to address some of the academic challenges that can arise from these experiences and to offer a semblance of normalcy during a tumultuous period. 

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Peyton

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo Peyton, a resilient and joyful little girl whose life was forever changed when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at just 3 years old. When Peyton’s mom, Dianna, noticed unusual symptoms like persistent low-grade fevers, pale skin, and unexplained bruises, she followed her instincts and pushed for further tests. This led to the heartbreaking leukemia diagnosis, but Peyton and Dianna quickly found solace in the network of support provided by Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance.

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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Gianna

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo, Gianna, a smart and beautiful 7-year-old who enjoys arts, music, and playing outside. In March of 2022, when Gianna was just four years old, her family received the devastating news that she was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), a form of cancer that affects the blood and bone marrow, leading to the rapid production of immature white blood cells. For a young child like Gianna, the diagnosis was a harrowing journey that would test her resilience and the strength of her family.

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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – MJ

May of 2021 started like any other month. Our family was enjoying the warm weather and spending time with friends and family. Unfortunately, May was the month that our world would change in a way we never expected.

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