Brittany and Ameer are incredible parents to Kaysan and his new baby brother Zyan. This February Brittany noticed some bruises on Kayson’s legs and met with his pediatrician. “I thought he might need some iron or vitamins,” Brittany explained. The diagnosis was unthinkable. Three-year- old Kaysan has Acute Myelogenous Leukemia and faces rigorous courses of chemotherapy, transfusions, a bone marrow transplant and daily medical care to fight this aggressive cancer.
When a family’s life is suddenly turned up-side-down by the words, “Your child has cancer,” your generous gift helps children like Kaysan. Please donate now because a child cannot fight cancer alone.
Donate Now to Keaton Raphael Memorial.
*Britt invites you to follow Kaysan’s story on his facebook page: KaysanStrong