Hope, Strength, and Healing for families coping with a child cancer diagnosis

Keaton Kiddos – Jessen

Keaton Kiddo - JessenJessen Age  3

On March 1st when taken to the doctor Jessen had a fever and extremely high blood pressure. They were sent immediately over to the hospital for him to be admitted. He had x-rays done and an ultrasound of his abdomen, which showed a mass with a blood supply to it. After more scans/tests he was diagnosed with High Risk Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. The tumor is wrapped around his left kidney and the cancer has spread to his bones. As of now, June 12, 2013, Jessen has had multiple tests/scans, 2 bone marrow biopsies, a biopsy of the tumor which resulted in an incision across the entire front of his abdomen, placement of a Broviac central line in his chest, a stem cell harvest, 5 rounds of chemotherapy, and multiple blood and platelet transfusions.

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – MJ

May of 2021 started like any other month. Our family was enjoying the warm weather and spending time with friends and family. Unfortunately, May was the month that our world would change in a way we never expected.

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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Yazmine

During the week of July 17th, 2023, Yazmine hadn’t been herself.  She’d been running fevers on and off and wasn’t eating.  She had no energy and only wanted to sleep.  Then, on July 19th, her dad’s birthday, we decided that I would take her to the ER for a quick check up and be back in time to make a birthday dinner.  Little did we know everything would change on that day.  

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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Kodiak

In the Fall of 2023, Keaton’s Kiddo Kodiak was diagnosed with two rare and aggressive forms of cancer: Mixed Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) also known as ‘preleukemia.’

Their journey began one year earlier, in the Fall of 2022, when Kodiak was struck with a series of different seasonal illnesses. Kodiak’s mom Tonya shares: “In September, he got COVID, and then in November it was the flu, and then December RSV.”

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