We invite you to #GoGoldwithKeatons in honor and in memory of kids with cancer. Together we will make a difference in the lives of those affected by childhood cancer, so that NO CHILD FIGHTS ALONE. Join the Keaton’s Family as we focus on the realities of childhood cancer, highlight stories of local families, and advocate for more pediatric cancer research, all while giving HOPE, STRENGTH, and HEALING to our families.

Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance – Mission in Motion Fall 2024
In this Edition of Keaton’s Mission in Motion:
See how together we fight to ensure that no child or family navigates this journey alone • Meet our childhood cancer awareness ambassadors
• Discover ways to continue to #GlowGold to support child cancer warriors and their families throughout the year • See our mission in motion as we work together to Strike Out Kids’ Cancers! • Join Keaton’s in the launch of our Warrior Store, with funds supporting our Family Navigator Programs