Meet Delilah. At 21 months old, her parents received news that she was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma. “My heart was ripped out when I heard the word CANCER”, Dad stated. A rigorous treatment began and called for frequent commutes from Stockton to Roseville. Mom shared, “She’s a very strong girl, but I don’t know what is going to happen to her.” With Mom remaining at bedside and Dad on disability, KCCA was able to provide a financial grant to assist with basic living expenses.
When a KCCA Family Navigator met and followed up with Delilah’s mother, a home A/C repair was shared as an immediate need. A visit by a valued community partner, Bell Brothers, led to findings of a mold issue that was determined to be life threatening for Delilah. This family of seven had nowhere to go. KCCA in partnership with Bell Brothers, ServPro Lodi, and ALCAL Specialty Contracting, Inc. dedicated their time, effort, and resources to conducting necessary repairs. Within a couple of weeks, two year old Delilah and her family returned to a safe, home environment.
Since then, Delilah’s family has attended KCCA’s annual Holly Jolly Celebration and participated in our Holiday Adopt A Family Program. Her parents are anxiously anticipating her last day of chemotherapy this March. In the meantime, continue to take one day at a time and enjoy each precious moment together as a family. Delilah continues to be a ray of sunshine for her parents and loved ones as she enjoys imaginative play and just being a kid.