At Альянс Китона по детскому раку, our highest purpose is to provide an invaluable resource for thousands of Northern California children with cancer and their families.
Наша миссия
«Наша миссия — оказывать эмоциональную, образовательную и финансовую поддержку детям, больным раком, и их семьям, одновременно повышая осведомленность и финансируя исследования, направленные на излечение».
Why We Exist
Детский рак – это семейный диагноз 
Есть три ключевых факта о детском раке:
- Детский рак не делает различий.
- Диагноз «рак в детстве» нацелен на всю семью.
- No family can prepare for a childhood cancer diagnosis.How We Help
The Альянс Китона по детскому раку provides a network of compassionate support to children with cancer and their families. Our staff, interns, volunteers, and supporters serve as a vital resource for hope to those going through a fight no child or family should have to endure alone.
Программа «Семейный навигатор»
Each family we serve is assigned a navigator who provides support along with the information, resources, and education necessary to navigate the complexities of the family’s childhood cancer journey. The personal support and resources help families deal with the anxiety induced by a cancer diagnosis.
Кому мы служим
Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance serves children and their families referred from the following partner hospitals: UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sutter Memorial, Kaiser Permanente Roseville, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland, Kaiser Permanente Oakland. As community support enables us to grow, we look forward to serving every Northern California child and family facing the fight against cancer.
Childhood cancer numbers have improved over the years however, it is still affecting far too many children and families and the support of communities and organizations like Альянс Китона по детскому раку is what will eventually put an end to this silent killer and give our children the life they deserve to live.