Alianza contra el cáncer infantil de Keaton: misión en movimiento septiembre/octubre de 2021

Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre el Cáncer Infantil. un tiempo para honor los guerreros, sobrevivientes, ángeles, hermanos, padres y todos los seres queridos afectados por un diagnóstico de cáncer infantil. una oportunidad para defensor para obtener más apoyo familiar, educación personalizada e investigaciones que salvan vidas. Una oportunidad para tomar acción y estar en solidaridad con miles de familias locales que han experimentado una de las situaciones más devastadoras que una familia puede enfrentar.

Este septiembre, únase a la misión de Keaton de servir y #GlowGold para los niños locales con cáncer. Es a través de su compromiso que podemos cumplir nuestra misión de servir a los niños con cáncer y sus familias con apoyo emocional, educativo y financiero mientras aumentamos la conciencia y financiamos la investigación para encontrar una cura. Gracias a USTED, podemos continuar ofreciendo Esperanza, Fortaleza y Sanación a través de nuestros Programas Family Navigator integrales e individualizados.

Dare to Dream Scholarship Recipients 2024

Each year, Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance honors warriors and survivors as they pursue the next steps towards their education by offering our Dare to Dream Scholarship Award. Aligning with our Education, Research, and Advocacy Program, our goal by sharing this award is to support young cancer warriors who are preparing for college, while acknowledging the many barriers and hardships they have overcome through their strength and resiliency.

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Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance – Mission in Motion Summer 2024

In this Edition of Keaton’s Mission in Motion:
• Experience the joy of togetherness as we kick off summer with our Annual Disney Luau-themed event at Funderland Amusement Park • Share in honoring caregivers and siblings through special events to appreciate them • See Our Mission in Motion as We Host the First Pediatric Cancer Roundtable • Learn How You can get involved by adopting a family, helping to raise awareness during September for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and by participating in our “Strike Out Kids’ Cancers!” bowling fundraiser, Sunday, September 29th!

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Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance – Mission in Motion Spring 2024

In this Edition of Keaton’s Mission in Motion:
• Welcome Spring with Keaton’s 4th Annual Family Fun Day at Gill Orchards • Meet Resilient and Strong Keaton’s Kiddo Kodiak • Share in Brightening a Hospital Stay for Keaton’s Kiddo Milagros with Keaton’s Family Navigators • See Our Mission in Motion as We Continue to Fund Childhood Cancer Research• Celebrate the Collaboration with our Community Partners at the Stay Happy FUNdation, Del Oro and Granite Bay High Schools • Discover Opportunities to Support our Mission by Fundraising and Donating During Big Day of Giving, Thursday, May 2nd and Attending Our 27th Annual “Chipping Away at Childhood Cancer” Golf Tournament, Thursday, May 23rd

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