Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude! Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance had the joy of receiving a delivery of My Special Aflac Ducks!
These comforting robotic companions help our pediatric cancer patients prepare for medical procedures, communicate their feelings, and practice distraction techniques, while also being a special friend, providing lots of smiles.
True to the season of togetherness, children and families participated in a fun scavenger hunt, received their own My Special Aflac Duck, enjoyed crafts, shared a meal, played games, and connected with others touched by pediatric cancer.
In collaboration with our Annual Operation Gobble Program, each family received a Thanksgiving meal kit, crafts, and grocery gift cards thanks to our friends at Aflac and The Church of Jesus Christ – Roseville.
To date, nearly 200 My Special Aflac Ducks have been delivered to the children served by Keaton’s. We are beyond grateful for this friendship and the opportunity to support our families in such a heartfelt and meaningful way. Meeting our Aflac friends in person who traveled from Atlanta, GA and others from Sacramento was truly an honor, and celebrating this moment together made it even more special.
gracias a Bruce Houdesheldt – Mayor, City of Roseville for joining us during this beautiful celebration! Thank you also to Ashley Sharp de CBS13 CBS Sacramento for sharing her heart of Gold with our child cancer warriors and sharing in this special day.
To our Aflac Friends, thank you for helping us spread love, hope and strength to children with cancer – one quack at a time. We are truly honored and grateful for your support!