Esperanza, fortaleza y sanación para familias que enfrentan un diagnóstico de cáncer infantil

Alianza contra el cáncer infantil de Keaton: misión en movimiento julio/agosto de 2021

Alegría. Risa. Excitación. Tres elementos que resumen nuestro evento familiar anual en Funderland Amusement Park que se llevó a cabo el 25 de junio. El evento tan esperado de este año ofreció a las familias una noche llena de diversión con paseos, manualidades y visitas especiales de personajes. Pacientes, sobrevivientes, hermanos y sus seres queridos crearon recuerdos mágicos junto con la asistencia de más de 165 invitados.

Junto a Mickey, Minnie, otros personajes de Disney y superhéroes que se unieron a la diversión, este evento privado brindó una oportunidad para que las familias se conectaran y disfrutaran de un día juntos, mientras se divertían y creaban hermosos recuerdos.

Septiembre es el Mes de Concientización sobre el Cáncer Infantil

This September, we unite for one purpose: to bring hope, strength, and healing to children battling cancer and their families. Every 3 minutes, a family’s life is turned upside down when they hear the four devastating words, “Your child has cancer.” At Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance, we believe that every child deserves a fighting chance – and you can help make that a reality.

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Dare to Dream Scholarship Recipients 2024

Each year, Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance honors warriors and survivors as they pursue the next steps towards their education by offering our Dare to Dream Scholarship Award. Aligning with our Education, Research, and Advocacy Program, our goal by sharing this award is to support young cancer warriors who are preparing for college, while acknowledging the many barriers and hardships they have overcome through their strength and resiliency.

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Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance – Mission in Motion Summer 2024

In this Edition of Keaton’s Mission in Motion:
• Experience the joy of togetherness as we kick off summer with our Annual Disney Luau-themed event at Funderland Amusement Park • Share in honoring caregivers and siblings through special events to appreciate them • See Our Mission in Motion as We Host the First Pediatric Cancer Roundtable • Learn How You can get involved by adopting a family, helping to raise awareness during September for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and by participating in our “Strike Out Kids’ Cancers!” bowling fundraiser, Sunday, September 29th!

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