Shyann ~ En memoria amorosa

En honor al Mes de Concientización sobre el Cáncer Infantil, recordamos a Keaton Kiddo Shyann, un hermoso joven guerrero que libró una ardua batalla de tres años contra el sarcoma de Ewing, un cáncer que afecta los huesos y los tejidos blandos. Shyann comenzó su viaje el 24 de mayo de 2018. Era una joven brillante que disfrutaba de las películas, el maquillaje y la ropa. Desde el comienzo de su viaje, Shyann contó con el apoyo de su mamá, papá, hermana gemela y hermanos menores. También encontró consuelo al conectarse con otro niño de Keaton que no solo le brindó apoyo emocional, sino que también formó un vínculo y una amistad eternos.

Keaton's tuvo la suerte de ser parte del viaje de Shyann compartiendo un Hope Chest familiar, conociendo a su familia en nuestros eventos familiares y brindándole apoyo financiero mientras soportaba el tratamiento, para aliviar la mayor cantidad de estrés posible. Rodeada de amor, Shyann ganó sus alas de ángel el 17 de julio de 2021. Aunque las palabras no pueden expresar cuán profundamente tristes estamos, celebramos la vida y el legado de Shyann, honrando su viaje.

The Unsung Heroes

When a child is diagnosed with cancer, the whole family is impacted. In this journey, siblings often become the unsung heroes—quietly showing strength, compassion, and resilience beyond their years.

While the focus is understandably on the child battling cancer, siblings face their own emotional challenges. They may experience feelings of worry, fear, confusion, or even guilt, and it’s important to acknowledge their role and provide support for them as well.

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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Stryder

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo Stryder, a fun-loving 5-year-old who enjoys animals and race cars! At just two years old, Stryder was diagnosed with stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma, a form of cancer that develops from immature nerve cells, and spreads to distant parts of the body. When Stryder was diagnosed, he was just three months away from celebrating his 3rd Birthday. A time that was supposed to be exciting and celebratory turned into a moment of heartbreak, and what began as an ordinary childhood took a dramatic and heart-wrenching turn, turning his and his family’s world upside down. Despite the weight of his diagnosis and all that’s come with it, Stryder’s spirit has been nothing short of extraordinary.

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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Peyton

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo Peyton, a resilient and joyful little girl whose life was forever changed when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at just 3 years old. When Peyton’s mom, Dianna, noticed unusual symptoms like persistent low-grade fevers, pale skin, and unexplained bruises, she followed her instincts and pushed for further tests. This led to the heartbreaking leukemia diagnosis, but Peyton and Dianna quickly found solace in the network of support provided by Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance.

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