Alianza contra el cáncer infantil de Keaton: misión en movimiento noviembre/diciembre de 2020

2020 ha sido un año difícil e impredecible para muchos de nosotros. A medida que el mundo comenzó a descubrir nuestra nueva normalidad, sabíamos que era absolutamente fundamental que continuáramos brindando la esperanza, la conectividad y el apoyo que los niños y sus familias necesitan, de la forma en que más lo necesitan. En esta edición de Misión en movimiento, destacamos a algunos de los líderes de la comunidad que allanaron el camino para que desarrollemos fortaleza y resiliencia durante este momento difícil.

Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance – Mission in Motion Fall 2024

In this Edition of Keaton’s Mission in Motion:
See how together we fight to ensure that no child or family navigates this journey alone • Meet our childhood cancer awareness ambassadors
• Discover ways to continue to #GlowGold to support child cancer warriors and their families throughout the year • See our mission in motion as we work together to Strike Out Kids’ Cancers! • Join Keaton’s in the launch of our Warrior Store, with funds supporting our Family Navigator Programs

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Singing, Dancing & Endless Smiles

Keaton’s Families enjoyed an unforgettable first-time experience at Disney on Ice! Families had the chance to create precious memories and enjoy a magical evening where kids could just be kids—filled with singing, dancing, and endless smiles!

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Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance – Mission in Motion September 2024

In this Edition of Keaton’s Mission in Motion:
See how together we fight to ensure that no child or family navigates this journey alone • Meet our childhood cancer awareness ambassadors
• Discover ways to continue to #GlowGold to support child cancer warriors and their families throughout the year • See our mission in motion as we work together to Strike Out Kids’ Cancers! • Join Keaton’s in the launch of our Warrior Store, with funds supporting our Family Navigator Programs

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