Китон Киддос — Кэти

Keaton Kiddoe KatieКэти 16 лет Диагноз:

Острый лимфобластный лейкоз– Лейкемия это тип рака, который поражает лейкоциты организма (лейкоциты). Обычно лейкоциты помогают бороться с инфекцией и защищают организм от болезней. Но при лейкемии лейкоциты становятся раковыми и размножаются, когда не должны, что приводит к слишком большому количеству аномальных лейкоцитов, которые затем мешают функционированию органов.

Хронический миелогенный лейкоз– ХМЛ вызван хромосомной проблемой. Каждая из 23 пар хромосом в организме содержит сегменты ДНК, называемые генами. Гены — это, по сути, чертежи тела.

ХМЛ возникает, когда часть 22-й хромосомы отрывается и меняет местами с частью 9-й хромосомы. (Этот фрагмент, содержащий части как 9-й, так и 22-й хромосомы, известен как филадельфийская хромосома). как BCR-ABL. Это ген, который инструктирует организм вырабатывать слишком много зрелых лейкоцитов.

Striking Out Kids’ Cancers!

Our gratitude is overflowing for everyone who joined us to Strike Out Kids’ Cancers!

Donations made through this event will provide financial, emotional, and educational support to children with cancer and their families as we strive for no child or family to navigate this journey alone. Together, we will continue to Strike Out Kids’ Cancers!

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The Unsung Heroes

When a child is diagnosed with cancer, the whole family is impacted. In this journey, siblings often become the unsung heroes—quietly showing strength, compassion, and resilience beyond their years.

While the focus is understandably on the child battling cancer, siblings face their own emotional challenges. They may experience feelings of worry, fear, confusion, or even guilt, and it’s important to acknowledge their role and provide support for them as well.

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Meet Keaton’s Kiddo – Stryder

Meet Keaton’s Kiddo Stryder, a fun-loving 5-year-old who enjoys animals and race cars! At just two years old, Stryder was diagnosed with stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma, a form of cancer that develops from immature nerve cells, and spreads to distant parts of the body. When Stryder was diagnosed, he was just three months away from celebrating his 3rd Birthday. A time that was supposed to be exciting and celebratory turned into a moment of heartbreak, and what began as an ordinary childhood took a dramatic and heart-wrenching turn, turning his and his family’s world upside down. Despite the weight of his diagnosis and all that’s come with it, Stryder’s spirit has been nothing short of extraordinary.

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